SDF: Excluding Kurds from Astana a violation of our right and sacrifices

Regarding the Astana talks on Syria led by Turkey, Iran and Russia, the General Command of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said they would not abide by a congress’ decisions that they would not be invited to.

The General Command of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) released a statement about Astana congress held in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana.

The SDF statement said:

“Despite the victories of our forces against the terrorists that represent ISIS in every campaign that we launched and are still launching, and despite the sacrifices of all the components to liberate our area from the hands of terrorists and solidify safety, we were excluded and pushed away from all the congresses that were held until now for the sake of Syrian crisis solution.

And we the components of SDF see that excluding Kurds from participating in the meeting as a part on the negotiations table is a violation of our right and sacrifices, so we would not abide by a congress’ decisions that we would not be invited to."