Newroz celebrations in Turin and Cologne

Newroz celebrations in Turin were attended by Kurds and Italians, while in Cologne by young people.

Newroz celebrations were held in Turin, Italy, and Cologne, Germany.


Hundreds of Kurds, as well as Italians, attended the Newroz celebration. Politician Nursel Aydoğan, celebrated the Newroz holiday of the people, especially the Kurdish people's leader.

Recalling when Abdullah Öcalan stayed in Rome for 66 days, Aydoğan said: "Despite the great conspiracy, thousands of Kurdish and Italian revolutionaries resisted on the streets of Rome and stayed close to Abdullah Öcalan for 66 days. The people took a great stance.”

Speeches were also made on behalf of Rete Jin and the Kurdish Committee at the celebration.

Afterwards, the Newroz fire was lit. The crowd danced the halay to the accompaniment of the songs of artists Ulaş Kelaşîn and Serhat Med Şiyar and chanted slogans.


Newroz celebrations were organised by TCŞ (Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger) and YXK (Yekîtiya Xwendekarên Kurdistan‎), in Cologne, with the slogan "Freedom for Leader Öcalan in the 50th year of victory".

A stand with Abdullah Öcalan's books and brochures on Newroz was also opened. The area where Newroz was celebrated was decorated with many photographs of Abdullah Öcalan and PKK flags.

The young people who lit the Newroz fire danced halay around the fire accompanied by songs.