Lavrov and his anti-Kurdish demagogy

Russia's contradictions and rivalries with the United States are well known. The Russian Foreign Minister's attempt to make the Kurds part of this contradiction is unacceptable.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has once again spoken out about Syria and the Kurds. Russia's contradictions and rivalries with the United States are well known. Russia's attempt to make the Kurds part of this contradiction is unacceptable. The Kurds cannot afford the luxury of being part of such a contradiction. Firstly, the Kurds are a people facing genocide. Lavrov's constant portrayal of the Kurds as pro-American shows awful bad intentions.

Firstly, it should be noted that the US did not bring its forces to Syria because of the Kurds, but to fight the Islamic State. The reason why their paths crossed with those of the Kurds is the fight against Islamist terror. ISIS was diverted to Kobanê by Turkey, and the Kurds were under heavy fire. If Russia had acted instead of the US and come to Kobanê's aid, the Kurds would have joined forces with them. But Russia did not come to help. And the US realized that no one was seriously fighting ISIS except the Kurds. The Syrian and Iraqi troops were fleeing from ISIS. To prevent the region from falling into the hands of the Islamists, the US preferred to act in partnership with the Kurds.

The Turkish state was in talks with the PYD at the time. It wanted the PYD to fight against Bashar al-Assad and ally itself with the so-called "Syrian opposition forces." The Kurds did not accept that. When they refused to fight against Assad, Turkey classified them as enemies. In the days when ISIS held the borders, the Erdoğan government showed no reaction or discomfort. He did not utter a sentence like "terrorists are at my borders, the security of my country is in danger."

Brett McGurk, the US special envoy for Syria at the time, knew this very well. Lavrov is also one of those who know best what Turkey did in cooperation with ISIS. They have all the information and documents. They also shared some of them with the media at the time.

Lavrov said: "The Kurds approached Syria after the Turkish attacks. They came to us, but when the US said they would not withdraw from Syria, they turned to the US again." There is no need to repeat everything that happened then now. Lavrov is misinforming the public. When the Turkish army and its gangs occupied areas such as Serêkaniyê, the US had already withdrawn and opened the area for occupation.

Then the US intervened, and a ceasefire was achieved. Russian military personnel came and settled in the areas vacated by the US. Syrian troops were moved to the Turkish border. This was done within the framework of an agreement with the Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria. As you can see, the demagoguery that the US will create a Kurdish state is far from the truth. Lavrov often resorts to this argument.

The Kurds never said they wanted to establish their own state. They presented their demands to Russia in writing. Their main demand is the recognition of their cultural existence and identity. Moreover, Russia's Syria settlement plan included an article granting the Kurds cultural autonomy. Lavrov now talks as if he has forgotten this. But he has not forgotten, he is saying it on purpose to cover up secret agreements with Turkey. They had requested 120 delegates from the Autonomous Administration for a major meeting in Sochi. Everything was prepared for the delegates, but Russia reached an agreement with the Turkish side at the last minute and canceled their trip to Sochi.

Russia has also prevented the Autonomous Administration from participating in the Geneva talks on a new Syrian constitution. "The Turks are blocking it," they said. The US said the same.

The Astana process was also a lesson for the Kurds. In the final declarations of these meetings, the Kurds were always portrayed as a force that wanted to divide Syria. Although Turkey occupied a significant part of Syria, armed almost a hundred thousand mercenaries and formed an alternative Syrian National Army (SNA) from them, this was not described as divisive and illegal. However, the Kurds, who are Syrian citizens and want democracy, are always portrayed as a threat and a divisive force. In the final declaration of the last Astana summit, the Autonomous Administration was explicitly declared illegitimate. It is an undeniable fact that the Astana process forms an anti-Kurdish front against the Autonomous Administration.

When Russia sent troops to the autonomous regions, promises were made to the Kurds and the Autonomous Administration. "We will be mediators, we will reconcile you with the government in Damascus," it was said at the time. The Kurds have always advocated reconciliation and the unity of Syria. If Damascus had reached an agreement with the Kurds and the autonomous regions in Northern and Aastern Syria, Turkey would not be in Syria now. Syria would have recovered. And the Kurds never broke off dialogue with Damascus. Lavrov says: "The Kurds should reach an agreement with Damascus." Very good, then he should use his weight as a mediator. It is well known that Russia is biased, defends the Syrian government and tries to keep it in power. But the Kurds have not made this a problem. They want to solve their problems with Damascus, and they have no problem with Russia. The Kurds have never been anti-Russian.

There have been talks with Damascus for years, but no progress has been made because Russia has not thrown its weight into the balance. The reason for this was Russia's commitment to Turkey. Turkey does not want the Kurds to have a status under any circumstances. Even if Damascus says "yes", Ankara will say "no". This is why Lavrov is not telling the public the truth. Russia is not fulfilling its role as a mediator and wants to make the Kurds pay for it.

Source: Ronahi newspaper