HPG pays tribute to guerrillas who fell as martyrs in Beytüşşebap

Guerrillg Rustem Çekdar Kato, Kamûran Gever, Brûsk Kato and Dilsoz Gabar were killed a week ago in Beytüşşebap, in North Kurdistan. The HPG has published information about their identities and their biographies.

The Press Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) has published information about four guerrillas who were killed a week ago in a military operation by the Turkish army in the Elkê district (tr. Beytüşşebap, Şirnex/Şırnak province). Rustem Çekdar Kato, Kamûran Gever and Brûsk Kato have already been buried in their hometowns in North Kurdistan (Bakur). The fourth fallen guerrilla is Dilsoz Gabar, who came from East Kurdistan (Rojhilat). The HPG praised the guerrillas as courageous and determined revolutionaries who had fallen for the freedom of the Kurdish people.

 Nom de Guerre: Brûsk Kato

 First and last name: Basri Cin

 Place of birth: Şirnex

 Names of mother and father: Hanife - Halil

 Date and place of death: June 20, 2024 / Botan

 Nom de Guerre: Rustem Çekdar Kato

 First and last name: Sefer Temel

 Place of birth: Şirnex

 Names of mother and father: Heybet - Sabri

 Date and place of death: June 20, 2024 / Botan

 Nom de Guerre: Kamûran Teyrêbaz

 First and last name: Yılmaz Sala

 Place of birth: Colemêrg

 Names of mother and father: Gülsuma - Nazım

 Date and place of death: June 20, 2024 / Botan

 Nom de Guerre: Dilsoz Gabar

 First and last name: Arvîn Huseynî

 Place of birth: Şaho

 Names of mother and father: Ferîde – Kemal

 Date and place of death: June 20, 2024 / Botan

Brûsk Kato

Brûsk Kato was born in a village in Elkê and grew up in a family influenced by the original culture of the Botan region. Because his family was close to the Kurdish freedom movement and the guerrillas were very present in the region, he experienced both the resistance and the oppression by the Turkish state first hand as a child. As a teenager, he began to contribute to his family's livelihood by doing various jobs. This taught him to stand on his own two feet at an early age. During this time, friends and relatives of his joined the guerrillas. His cousin Botan Sason (Emin Cin) was killed in the liberation struggle in 2006.

In 2011, Brûsk also went to the mountains because he found life in the Turkish state unbearable and wanted to fight for the freedom of his people. The mountains were not foreign to him, and he had the opportunity to develop ideologically and militarily during his initial training. Due to his life experience, he was able to support other new fighters in training and quickly became a valued militant known for his sincere and warm nature. After about three years in the Zap, he went to Rojava and fought against ISIS until 2017.

He took part in various liberation offensives and defended the already liberated areas against Islamist attacks. While states left entire cities to the Islamists in the face of the climate of fear spread by ISIS, his courage was contagious to his fellow fighters. Brûsk took on important tasks and played a key role in repelling ISIS. After his stay in Rojava, he returned to the Medya Defense Areas and evaluated his now six years of combat experience at the Şehîd Ibrahim Academy to prepare himself for new tasks. His next area of ​​​​operation was the Kato Mountains in North Kurdistan, where he was born and grew up and where he continued his fight determinedly until the end.

Rustem Çekdar Kato

Rustem Çekdar Kato was born in the village of Setkar in Elkê and grew up with the authentic Kurdish culture of Botan. His family and social environment was shaped by the freedom movement, and Rustem saw his future in the guerrillas as a child. Because his family was subjected to massive state oppression, he had an aversion to school from the beginning. His socialization in the village took place far away from the influences of capitalist modernity. As a result, he acquired a mature personality at an early age.

He worked as a militiaman for the guerrillas and carried out this work successfully for many years. His brother Çekdar Beytüşşebap (Çoli Temel) died in 2011 in an attack by the Turkish army in Geliyê Tiyarê. Rustem also wanted to join the guerrillas for a long time, but had to repeatedly put this wish on hold due to the importance of his work in the militia. In 2013, he finally left his civilian life and joined a guerrilla group in the Kato Jîrka area of ​​Botan. He took part in revolutionary offensives and was able to contribute to many successes with his knowledge of the terrain. Three years later, he came to the Medya Defense Zones and from there went to Rojava to fight against ISIS. After a stay in Behdinan, he took on the task of leading guerrilla groups to their destinations as a courier due to his previous experience. He played an active role in the Cenga Xabûrê offensive and finally returned to the place of his childhood, where he was ready to take on any task with a determined attitude until the end and fought militantly.

Kamûran Teyrêbaz

Kamûran Teyrêbaz was born in the Kurdish resistance stronghold of Gever (Yüksekova) and grew up well aware of what was happening in the area. He reluctantly went to a state school and took on various jobs to help support his family. Under the impression of the fighting that took place from 2012 onwards, especially in Botan and Gever, in accordance with the strategy of the revolutionary people's war, he decided to make a final break with the state system and joined the guerrillas in Gever in 2013.

His guerrilla life began in the Zagros Mountains, where he also received basic training for new fighters. He then took part in the practical work in Avaşîn with great enthusiasm and completed a course at the Şehîd Mehmet Goyî Operations School in order to professionalize himself militarily. Although he had hardly attended school, he read ideological texts and studied the philosophy of Abdullah Öcalan. From 2015, he fought under difficult conditions in Cîlo, and in 2017 he was wounded in an attack by the Turkish army. He recovered quickly and continued his fight. In 2019, he came to the Şehîd Ibrahim Academy, where he had the opportunity to question his own personality and practice and to prepare himself for further tasks. In 2020, he stayed in Serhed in North Kurdistan. He then temporarily returned to Behdinan for health treatment until he was sent to Botan at his own request and went down in PKK history as a self-sacrificing and courageous fighter.

Dilsoz Gabar

Dilsoz Gabar was born in Şaho and grew up with an awareness of his Kurdish identity. Kurdish culture was firmly anchored in his environment, and Dilsoz followed the fighting in all parts of Kurdistan with great interest. He went to school for eleven years and then worked as a porter (kolber) in the border area. This difficult and dangerous job made him painfully aware of the national borders that ran through his country. The organizations and parties fighting in Rojhilat did not seem very promising to him, and through a friend, he came into contact with the PKK, which impressed him with its forty years of resistance against the Turkish state and, most recently, its legendary fight against ISIS.

After his friend joined the guerrillas, he began to study the PKK intensively in 2016 and, after careful consideration, went to the Qendîl Mountains in 2018 to join the armed struggle. There he underwent basic training and learned the principles of guerrilla life in a collective environment. He studied Abdullah Öcalan's philosophy of freedom and went into practice ideologically and morally equipped. While he was in various places in the Qendî Mountains, he continued his studies and gained competence in many areas. He was particularly interested in the Gabar area and suggested fighting there. In preparation, he took part in specialized military training. He then went to the north. His mother tongue was Sorani. In Botan the people speak Kurmancî. Dilsoz saw no great difference between the cultures in Botan and his home region of Şaho and learned Kurmancî within a short time.