Anarchists mark 150th anniversary of first anti-authoritarian international

More than 5,000 people came together in the Jura mountains in Switzerland to mark the 150th anniversary of the first anti-authoritarian international. Many of the participants attended the large demonstration in Lausanne.

More than 5,000 people from different countries gathered in Saint-Imier in the Jura mountains in Switzerland from July 19 to 23 to mark the 150th anniversary of the first anti-authoritarian international of 1872. With more than 300 parallel events, the gathering intended to bring anarchists together for a collective exchange, to share experiences of struggle and to strengthen internationalist solidarity. On this occasion, young internationalists from the Lêgerin magazine, the Serhildan network, the CDK-S and also the Academy of Democratic Modernity were present to develop common perspectives with anarchists. A book stand was opened at the meeting's book fair to spread the paradigm of Kurdistan's freedom movement and the paradigm of democratic modernity by Abdullah Öcalan.

For five days, the main topic of the discussions was how different struggles in the world can be brought together from an internationalist perspective.

Thanks to the organization of internationalist young people, about a hundred people from different countries attended the great march in Lausanne on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne. Under the slogan "Defend Kurdistan!", the young people demonstrated together with thousands of Kurds from the Place de La Navigation to the place of the signing of the treaty. A hundred years later, the Kurds in Lausanne, together with their friends, once again called out to the world that the people of Kurdistan did not recognize the Treaty of Lausanne.