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HPG calls on the Iraqi army to act with awareness regarding the troop deployment in South Kurdistan
HPG called on the Iraqi army to act with awareness with regard to the deployment of troops in parts of the Zap and Avashin regions of the Medya Defense Zones where an intense war is going on between the guerrilla forces and the Turkish army. -
Gerîla TV releases footage of revolutionary operation in Zap
A short video of the large-scale revolutionary operation carried out by the guerrillas in the Zap region on 17 February has been released. -
Background to the troops deployment in South Kurdistan
The Erdoğan government is using the instability in Iraq to include Baghdad alongside the KDP in the war against the Kurdish freedom movement. The Barzani private army acts as an Iraqi border protection unit in guerrilla territory. -
Six detained at DEM Party election campaign event in Şırnak
At the end of a well-attended DEM Party campaign event in Şırnak, Turkish police intervened in the crowd and detained six people, including the deposed co-mayor of the İdil district. -
KNK condemns the massacre of civilians in South Kurdistan, calls for action against Turkish attacks
Stating that the Turkish state, with the consent of the KDP, targets civilians indiscriminately to prepare the region for occupation by depopulating it, KNK called on all Kurdish forces and Iraqi authorities to take a strong stance against these attacks. -
KDP deploys troops to Amadiya
The KDP, which is colluding with Ankara, is reinforcing its units in the area around Amadiya. The town is located just ten kilometers from the Turkish border in the heavily contested Zap region. -
KCK: Congratulations to guerrilla forces involved in the latest revolutionary operations
The KCK congratulated the guerrillas for the latest Revolutionary Operations in the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). -
KCK condemns Turkey's deadly airstrike on the village of Kafiya in South Kurdistan
The KCK has condemned Turkey's deadly airstrike on the mountain village of Kafiya in Iraq's Kurdistan region and accused Barzani's KDP party of complicity. Two retired peshmergas were killed in Tuesday's attack. -
HPG reports massive Turkish airstrikes in guerrilla areas
Turkish fighter jets bombed the Medya Defence Zones 37 times in six days as its occupation campaign in guerrilla areas continues unabated. -
‘Iraq must recognise Shengal’s autonomy if it wants to secure the rights of Yazidis’
Speaking about the Mosul Governor's visit to Shengal and the talks between the Turkish state and the KDP, Riham Hesen stated that the talks are a war plan to be realised on Iraqi territory and called on the Iraqi government to prevent war plans. -
Guerrilla Pelşîn speaks about recent victories in Zap
Guerrilla Pelşîn from the Zap front said that they have "penetrated the enemy positions and launched the attack before the occupiers noticed us. At every moment we thought of our fallen comrades." -
HPG pays tribute to guerrilla Şervan Varto
Şervan Varto was killed in the operation against the base of the Turkish occupation forces at Girê Cûdî in the Zap region. The HPG honors the Rojhilat-born guerrilla fighter as a selfless and courageous Kurdistan militant. -
Iraqi border guards deploy troops to Duhok countryside
Troops of the Iraqi Border Guard Army were deployed in the countryside of Duhok province with armored vehicles. -
HSM congratulates guerrillas on Şehîd Doğa Viyan Revolutionary Operation
The Headquarters Command of the People's Defense Center congratulated all commanders and fighters who carried out the Şehîd Doğa Viyan Revolutionary Operation in the region of Zap. -
Turkish attack kills two peshmergas in South Kurdistan
It was reported that two peshmergas were killed in the attack carried out by the Turkish state in Dinarte on the Akre border of Duhok in South Kurdistan. -
Turkey bombs villagers in Garê, KDP prevents rescue of injured
The Turkish state bombed the villagers in Garê, and the people who wanted to take their three injured relatives from the area and take them to the hospital were prevented from doing so by the KDP. -
HPG guerrilla martyred in ambush by Iranian forces
HPG guerrilla Dijwar Elbak from Van was martyred in Rojhilat in an ambush by the Iranian regime forces near Kotol on the border with Van. -
HPG commander Serhed: Guerrillas have great motivation
HPG commander Rojger Serhed said that the guerrillas have great morale and motivation and maintain their psychological superiority. -
Two kolbars injured in attack by Iranian forces
Apart from systematic attacks directed against them, kolbars are struggling to make a living under harsh weather conditions, dangerous geographical locations and mines. -
37 Turkish soldiers killed in revolutionary guerrilla operation in Zap
Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas carried out the Martyr Doğa Viyan Revolutionary Operation in Zap. In the operation, 37 soldiers, including 1 captain, were killed. While many weapons and materials were confiscated, the rest were destroyed. -
Revolutionary guerrilla operation in Zap: A hill cleared of the Turkish occupiers
HPG Press Center reported that a hill where the occupying Turkish forces were positioned in the Zap region was conquered and completely cleared of the occupiers. -
Martyr Jêhat Bagok YPS Retaliation Unit claims responsibility for action in Amed
The Martyr Jêhat Bagok YPS Retaliation Unit said that they carried out an action against the police school guard post in Amed's Rêzan (Bağlar) district. -
South Kurdistan government prevents demonstration against the international conspiracy
The South Kurdistan Committee for the Freedom of Abdullah Öcalan reacted to the prevention of protests against the conspiracy and said, "They violate the principles of national morality." -
KCK: Turkey must get rid of its ecocidal mentality
Regarding the disaster in Erzincan, where cyanide-contaminated spoil buried workers and a toxic dust cloud contaminated an entire region, KCK warns that the effects could reach as far as the Persian Gulf. -
Yazidis and Arabs in Shengal protest the international conspiracy against Öcalan
Hundreds of Yazidis and Arabs took to the streets in Shengal, vowing to ensure the autonomy of the Shengal with the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan.