Two more videos show Turkish army using banned bombs against guerrillas

Two more videos were released showing the Turkish army using banned bombs against guerrillas.

It has been documented many times that the Turkish army uses tactical nuclear, thermo-baric, phosphorus bombs and banned bombs and chemical weapons against the guerrillas.

We have received two more videos proving the war crimes of the AKP-MHP regime and the Turkish army.

The first image is from Avaşîn's Werxelê Resistance Area. From the place where guerrillas Baz Mordem and Helbest Koçerin were killed as a result of a banned bomb and chemical weapons attack. The date is 20 August 2022.

Big explosions are caused one after another by banned bombs. Although the guerrillas didn't catch the first big explosion on camera, they are recording the second one. What happens next is evident from the images.

The second image is from the Martyr Hewrê war tunnels in the Martyr Shahin Resistance Area of Zap and the date is 10 June 2022. It is seen how big and violent the explosion was and how large the area it spread to.

In both bombings, the guerrillas are resisting inside the war tunnels. The guerrillas who lived through those moments said: "When the explosions happened, the rocks shook as if there had been an earthquake. Then a poisonous gas was released."

The resistance of the guerrillas against banned bombs and chemical weapons continues.