Two HPG guerrillas martyred in Geliyê Doskî

HPG reported that two guerrillas have lost their lives as a result of intense bombardments conducted by Turkish army in the wake of the heavy clashes between Turkish troops and guerrillas in Geliyê Doskî on September 5.

HPG (People's Defense Forces) Press Office reported in a written statement that two guerrillas have lost their lives as a result of intense bombardments conducted by Turkish army in the wake of the heavy clashes between Turkish troops and guerrillas in Geliyê Doskî area of Hakkari's Yüksekova (Gever) district on September 5.

HPG gave the following ID details of the fallen guerrillas;

Nom de Guerre: Şahin Goyi
Name-Surname: Abuzer Paksoy
Place of Birth: Şırnak
Parents' Names: Besime - Kamil
Date and Place of Death: 5 September 2015 / Hakkari


Nom de Guerre: Militan Kobani
Name-Surname: Yaser Müslüm Delil
Place of Birth: Kobani
Parents' Names: Naime - Müslüm
Date and Place of Death: 5 September 2015 / Hakkari
