Turkish soldiers hand six civilians from Rojava over to Al-Nusra gangs

Occupant Turkish army has handed six people from Rojava over to Al-Nusra gangs, including parents of a kid killed by Turkish soldiers on the border two days ago.

Soldiers of the occupant Turkish army continue their genocidal attacks against civilians on the border between Rojava (West) and Bakurê (North) Kurdistan.

Ferzende family from Memela village in Efrîn's Mebeta district and another family from the same village attempted to cross the border over to Bakurê Kurdistan through the Sorike village of Raco district two days ago.

Members of both families were shot by Turkish soldiers as they tried to cross the border, which left a 6 years old kid named Rûheyv from Ferzende family dead. Rûheyv's parents were wounded as a result of the aggression.

According to other members of the Ferzende family, their wounded parents and 4 members of the other family were handed over by Turkish soldiers to Al-Nusra gangs at Bab Al-Hewa Border Gate in İdlib.

On the other hand, reports say that the body of slain kid Rûheyv remains on Bakurê Kurdistan side of the border.