Turkish borders open for ISIS
Residents of Elbeyli district of Kilis province stated that the current military deployment does not aim an attack on Rojava but to extend ISIS rule in the region.
Residents of Elbeyli district of Kilis province stated that the current military deployment does not aim an attack on Rojava but to extend ISIS rule in the region.
Residents of Elbeyli district of Kilis province stated that the current military deployment does not aim an attack on Rojava but to extend ISIS rule in the region. DİHA cameras had filmed ISIS gangs as they were crossing the border and Elbeyli residents said that the borders were open for ISIS.
The deployment of tanks, armored vehicles and special operations forces intimidate Elbeyli residents who stated that the military deployment was aiming to prevent the finalization of the three cantons’ unification after the victory of Girê Spî. Elbeyli residents said that ISIS gangs around the border could cross the border as they pleased and constantly threatened civilians living in the district. Many Elbeyli residents suggested that the deployment of Turkish soldiers was aiming to strengthen ISIS so that the gangs could repel YPG/YPJ operations in the region.
ISIS rules both sides of the border
Elbeyli has 2,900 residents and became a district in 1995 when Kilis was given city status. Villages of Beylerbeyi and Çangallı lie to the east of the border in Karkamış and the refugee camps of Selhen, Çıldırabi, Havuzluçam and Elbeyli are located to the west of the district. Villages of Bablimon, Xeliliye, Eyaşe, Mola Yakup, Hedebed, Çobanbey (Rai), Tel Ehmar, Zetiye, Xelfetli, Kura Mezere, Düden, Karaköprü, Hewar Kilis, İğde and Ezaz are located along the border in northern Rojava. Turkish army controls the Turkish side of the border and ISIS gangs occupy the towns of Bab, Cerablus and Çobanbey that are located on the Rojava side of the border. This region is also the area through which aid and personnel are sent to the gangs in Aleppo.
Important route of 110 km
Located on the eastern bank of Euphrates River, Cerablus lies within the range of YPG/YPJ in Kobanê. YPG/YPJ forces in Efrin are located to the west of Ezaz, which is across from Kilis and under Islamic Front control. Civilians living in the region stated that the liberation of the 110 km route of Cerablus-Ezaz could inflict a serious blow on ISIS presence in Syria and bring the failure of Turkish policies on Syria.
Soldiers and ISIS collaborate in Çobanbey
Elbeyli residents stated that at least 100 ISIS gangs cross over to Rojava from Turkey through Elbeyli every day, and the military deployment on the border aims to strengthen ISIS so that the gangs repel YPG/YPJ operations in the region. Elbeyli residents said that ISIS gangs often use the 500 m route between Öangallı and Beylerbeyi as well as Selhen village for their border crossings, and collaborate with Turkish soldiers stationed in Çobanbey train station.
Gangs crossing the border on camera
Elbeyli residents stated that the gangs threatened everyone who does not support them, and DİHA cameras have caught ISIS gangs as they were crossing the border near Çangallı village. Elbeyli residents said that civilians initially had a positive view of ISIS but this perception quickly changed when the gangs began to collaborate with Turkish soldiers and took control of the district.