Shengal Autonomous Administration calls for the release of detained Yazidi and Arab citizens

Reacting to the detention of Yazidi and Arab citizens, the Shengal Autonomous Administration said, "The Iraqi constitution gives us the right to govern and defend ourselves. The peace of Iraq is also the peace of Shengal."

The Autonomous Administration of Shengal made a statement regarding the ongoing discussions on the Yazidi community and the recent arrests of Yazidi and Arab citizens from Shengal.

Reading the press statement, Autonomous Assembly Member Xwedêda Berekat pointed out that Iraq is made up of many beliefs, sects, peoples and ethnicities and said: "We, as the Yazidi people, have been living in this land for thousands of years with our own belief and culture. Yazidi people are a great richness to Iraq. On the basis of our faith, we have taken living in peace and tranquility with neighbouring peoples as a basis. The peace of Iraq is also the peace of Shengal".

Berekat remarked that many circles define Yazidis in their own way and continued, "As the Yazidi people, we do not accept being defined in this way. The Iraqi constitution grants us the right to govern and defend ourselves. In this context, an autonomous administration has been established in Shengal together with the peoples living there. This administration carries out activities in coordination with state institutions. State authorities also consider the Shengal Autonomous Administration as an opportunity for common life and democracy in Iraq."

Emphasising that the recognition of the Yazidi people passes through the recognition of the Shengal Autonomous Administration, Berekat said, "First of all, the genocide committed against the Yazidi people must be accepted. Unless these steps are taken, every word about the Yazidi people will not be valid and true."

Berekat reacted to the recent arrests of Yazidi and Arab citizens in Shengal and said, "Those who want to disrupt the peace and tranquility of the people of Shengal are pursuing dirty methods. We appeal to the authorities. These detentions do not serve the unity and democracy of Iraq. On the contrary, it causes great harm. For this reason, the detained citizens of Shengal should be released."

Speaking on behalf of the Shengal Council of Tribes, Dexîl Murat called on Iraq to recognise the genocide committed against the Yazidi community in 2014.