Peace Bloc calls for the ending of the ongoing conflict

A delegation from Peace Bloc has this afternoon left for Silvan (Farqin) district of Amed in order to assess the incidents at the scene after the attacks of state forces on civilians.

A delegation from Peace Bloc has this afternoon left for Silvan (Farqin) district of Amed in order to assess the incidents at the scene after the attacks of state forces on civilians.

A delegation of Peace Bloc, recently formed platform composed of over 90 political organisations, social movements as well as individuals demanding peace against the war policies of the AKP, is going to Silvan in order to assess the attacks of the Turkish security forces on civilians in the town. At a press briefing in Amed, the delegation called for ending the ongoing conflict in Northern Kurdistan and said “We are trying to change the climate which progressively advances into a civil war”.

The delegation led by the spokesperson of the Peace Bloc, Gencay Gürsoy, held a press briefing in front of the Cegerxwin Cultural Center in Amed, which was also attended by HDP deputies Nimettullah Erdoğmuş, Sibel Yiğitalp, Feleknaz Uca, HDK co-spokesperson Sebahat Tuncel and HDP Amed branch co-chair Ömer Önen.

The delegation said they had to divide into two groups, one of which has on the other hand left for Lice which is also witnessing an extraordinary situation in recent days.


Speaking on behalf of the delegation, the spokesperson Gencay Gürsoy said people face today a trap of war strategy jointly prepared by the ruling power and the Palace (referring to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan).

Gürsoy drew attention to the fact that the political life and political fronts in the country has been divided into two camps recently, one being the war bloc composed of war advocators, and the other one being the peace bloc composed of political parties, over 90 NGOs, profession chambers and trade unions that pin their hopes on democratic politics.

Gürsoy said the Peace Bloc is trying to change the climate which progressively advances into a civil war and help the people rise their demand for peace.

Gürsoy remarked that they expected everyone to undertake responsibility on the issue and help peace become socialized and this reaction be heard by deaf ears. He added; “Both parties should take their hands off the trigger as it will otheraise not be very easy to re-initiate talks in a conflict environment.”


Another member of the delegation, Nuray Sancar, recalled that both electricity and communication systems were cut off in Silvan during the course of the state forces' crackdown in the district which was greatly devastated in the conflict.

Putting emphasis on the intense attacks of the state forces on civilians, Sancar said; “The unilateral ending of the resolution process after the elections and the beginning of a conflict in the Kurdish region raises concerns for all of us. We want an immediate achievement of peace and ending of the conflict. We are here to report what has not been conveyed to the people in the west by the mainstream media. Once we return to Istanbul, we will convey the demands for peace and recommencement of the resolution process.”

Following the press conference, the delegation left for Silvan.