New period in Hesekê
ISIS gangs took advantage of the Syrian regime’s security weakness and attacked Hesekê from three different directions a month ago. They got the results they wanted in an unexpectedly short period of time.
ISIS gangs took advantage of the Syrian regime’s security weakness and attacked Hesekê from three different directions a month ago. They got the results they wanted in an unexpectedly short period of time.
ISIS gangs took advantage of the Syrian regime’s security weakness and attacked Hesekê from three different directions a month ago. They got the results they wanted in an unexpectedly short period of time. ISIS soon took control of Neşwê, Wiran, Xezil and Vilayeti Sor as pro-regime Muqannains’ betrayal made this take over easier. YPG/YPJ fighters formed a defense line of 20 km in response to the gangs’ attacks from 3 directions.
Rojava Youth Union (YCR-Yekitiya Ciwanan Rojava), Self-Defense Forces (HPC-Hezên Parastina Cewherî) and neighborhood self-defense forces participated in the defense circle led by YPG/YPJ fighters who expanded the defense line 3 more kilometers in the city center. The defense circle received great support from the people as ISIS gangs began to suffer heavy blows. YPG/YPJ forces cleared off Xezil checkpoint from ISIS and liberated Eziziyê Neighborhood. After this, ISIS’ logistic route Hool road was taken under control and the security of Eziziyê and Kewkep hill was ensured.
YPG/YPJ began an encirclement operation in the Havuz area of Mount Kizwan where it had lost 11 of its fighters previously, and this operation is one of the most difficult operations due to geographical conditions. The goal of the operation was to disconnect the Raqqa-Şeddad route that had been a major support route for ISIS. In the 60 degrees Celsius heat of desert conditions, fighters took control of the Pira Sipî Bridge on the road to Raqqa, and prevented ISIS from leaving Raqqa. This initiative both weakened the attacks of Hesekê and destroyed the gangs’ morale and motivation.
Forces soon liberated the electricity plant that had been abandoned by the İran-affiliated Haccaci group to ISIS, and closed off the road to Şeddad that would otherwise be the only exit route for ISIS.
After the liberation of Vilayeti Sor and the electricity power plant, YPG/YPJ completed its encirclement of Hesekê and began a new period in the tow. Although the roads that lead to Raqqa, Hool, and Şeddad have strategic importance militarily, the region encircled by YPG/YPJ includes the trade routes to Damascus and Dera Zor. YPG/YPJ secured the region where regime soldiers had previously forced civilians to pay money and investments had stopped due to threat of an ISIS attack. The region will now most likely be the biggest investment center of Cizîrê Canton in the future.
The operations in Hesekê have once again revealed the level of YPG/YPJ's military preparations, tactics and success, and gave a message of preparedness for operations against ISIS in Raqqa and Mosul. More importantly, the operations became YPG/YPJ's declaration of its commitment to the principles and defense of the July 19 Revolution.