Ongoing military operations by the Turkish army have been contrasted by Kurdish guerrillas which are observing a self defense position. HPG (People' Defense Forces) Press and Communication Center has released a detailed list of the recent operations.
Here some of the operations:
on 4 May in between 16:00-17:00 hours, the Turkish state army launched a military operation against the Valley of Sevdin, the areas of Barav and Balpayam/on the city borders of Bingol and Dersim.
On 5 May, the Turkish state army launched an extensive military operation against the Hillsides of Kirmizidag, Hozmerek, Uzuntarla, Derhagi, Marcik and Serkeftin/City of Dersim.
On 5 May, the Turkish state army launched a military operation on the areas of Xireba and Kurika/Nusaybin/Mardin.
On 7 May, the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Sehit Xebat, Dola Weske, Dola Amed, Dola Nexwesxane and the Strait of Bandoz/Bingol. On 7 May at 24:00 hours, the Cobra type attack helicopters intensively bombarded the area.
On 6 May at around 21:00 hours, the Turkish state army launched an operation with ambushes in the area of Sederiye/Nusaybin/Mardin. As a result of these ambushes one guerrilla had been badly wounded. A clash occurred between guerrillas and enemy forces. The Turkish state army brought reinforcement of soldiers and panzers to the area of clash which continued until the morning hours of 7 May. As a result of this clash, 2 Kurdish guerrillas lost their life.