Military operation in Hakkari

According to HPG, the Turkish army has started a military operation in the province of Hakkari. In Southern Kurdistan the Medya Defense Zones have been bombed again.

The Press Office of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) in a short statement on the current military developments in Kurdistan, informed that the Turkish army has started a military operation on August 31st at Mount Sümbül in Hakkari province, Northern Kurdistan. Undercover units are laying ambushes in the region and the operation is still ongoing, the statement said.

Regarding the recent air attacks of the Turkish army on guerrilla areas in Southern Kurdistan, the HPG Press Office stated that on September 1, the Sininê area in Xakurke region, Werxelê area in Avashin region and Şikefta Birîndaran and Kuro Jahro areas in the Zap region were bombed by Turkish fighter jets.