Memorial for KCK General Presidential Council Member Helmet Gabar

Memorial in Qendîl to mark the fifth anniversary of the death of KCK General Presidential Council Member Helmet Gabar.

At the cemetery of the martyrs in the Qendîl region, the PKK Committee of the Families of the Fallen in Southern Kurdistan held a memorial on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the death of Helmet Gabar (Diyar Xerib).

Helmet Gabar was a member of the Presidential Council of the KCK and the Central Committee of the PKK. He was killed on 5 July 2019 in a targeted air strike by the Turkish army in Qendîl, together with two guerrillas, Abdulkadir Aslan (Şahin Dicle) and Murat Gündüz (Devran Canfeda). Relatives of the martyr, friends, members of the martyrs' committee, politicians and many people gathered at the cemetery.

On behalf of the PKK's martyrs' committee, Wehab Ehmed took the floor and remembered Helmet Gabar, saying: "Comrade Helmet was a pioneer, a patriot and a great revolutionary in all areas. He is a symbol of struggle, resistance and sacrifice. We, as his companions, promise to continue the path of the martyrs. We will continue their fight for freedom."

"The KDP in this country is a disgrace"

Dr. Bekir of Tevgera Azadî condemned the KDP, saying: "It is a disgrace that a force like the KDP, which on the one hand speaks of Kurdish identity and then puts itself at the service of the Turkish occupation army, exists here in this country. This betrayal is a black mark that will always stick to the KDP."

"Building self-defense"

Bekir continued: "But the guerrilla struggle is very successful. The Turkish state uses all kinds of chemical and banned weapons, but no political party takes a stand against the Turkish state's invasion attacks on South Kurdistan. The enemy is committing genocide against the Kurdish people and Kurdistan. All Kurds must take a serious stand and develop self-defense."