Lice-Amed road closed to traffic
Demonstrations protesting the Suruç massacre, which left 31 people dead and over a hundred wounded, continue in Lice district of Amed.
Demonstrations protesting the Suruç massacre, which left 31 people dead and over a hundred wounded, continue in Lice district of Amed.
Demonstrations protesting the Suruç massacre, which left 31 people dead and over a hundred wounded, continue in Lice district of Amed.
A group of youths closed the Lice-Amed road to traffic and performed id controls on the people in the vehicles they stopped on the road.
The youths set a bus and three cars on fire after they discharged people from some of the vehicles they stopped during the road control.
The Duru-Kocaköy road near Fis Lowland was also closed to traffic after the incidents.