KCK Executive Council Co-President Cemil Bayık made significant assessments to ANF regarding the massacre perpetrated agains members of the SGDF (Federation of Socialist Youths Association) which left 32 people dead and over a hundred wounded.
Holding the AKP responsible for the massacre, Bayık said the information, data and documents revealed so far have proved that AKP is ISIS, and ISIS is AKP.
Pointing out that the attacks in Kobanê, as well as those in Adana, Mersin, Bingöl and Amed in the pre-election process, and the most recent one in Suruç, were all carried out in cooperation between the AKP and ISIS, Bayık recalled that savage attacks were conducted against the Kurdish people in both Suruç and Kobanê on the anniversary of the Rojava Revolution. Bayık condemned the perpetrators of these massacres, offered condolences to the families of the martyrs, and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded.
Remarking that these massacres were all perpetrated under the responsibility of AKP, Bayık recalled their continuously voiced previous warnings against the AKP policies backing ISIS, adding that the AKP didn't pay attention to these warnings because it maintained its enmity towards the Kurdish people.
"AKP pursues enmity towards Kurds both inside and outside its borders, owing to which it backed the ISIS and brought the flock of savage murderers to this point today. AKP's relation with ISIS is based on Kurdish enmity. In order to choke the revolution in Rojava, AKP first used Al Nusra and put ISIS into play when Al Nusra proved itself not to be strong enough. AKP and ISIS are conducting a joint attack. By backing the ISIS, AKP is waging a joint war against Kurdish Freedom Movement both in Rojava and North Kurdistan. It is the AKP that stands behind the murder of hundreds of peoples in bombings in Adana, Mersin, Amed and Suruç", Bayık said.
KCK Executive Council Co-President emphasised that the AKP aimed to overcome the deadlock it was currently facing by enhancing instability and war against the Kurdish people. Bayık, according to whom AKP wants to lead the country to early elections by creating a perception of instability without an AKP ruling alone. "Because there is no other way left for AKP to seize the power alone, It wants to use its last chance and assure itself by means of these practices, paving the way for such deadly attacks in order to ensure instability."
Bayık remarked that AKP which pursued a policy completely against Kurds and democracy wanted to win the elections by rendering the HDP, democratic and leftist powers ineffective. Stressing that the AKP pursued a war policy and enhanced the multidimensional war against Kurds, Bayık said the AKP and Erdoğan himself was the major cause of the actions and massacres committed by ISIS in Bakur (North) Kurdistan.
Bayık also underlined that the Kurdish people, democratic socialist powers, democrat Muslims, Alevis, Circassians, Arabs, Syriacs and Êzîdîs must be well aware of this truth, adding; "All these circles should therefore stand against the AKP-ISIS collaboration and massacres, and bring them to account.
KCK Executive Council Co-President Cemil Bayık put emphasis on the necessity for the peoples, belief groups and democratic-socialist powers in Turkey and North Kurdistan to go into action against ISIS and AKP to hinder further massacres and deaths. Bayık said it was unavoidable for peoples to establish their own self-defense systems in order to stand against these pro-massacre powers and bring them to account. "They should no more ask this government and this state to protect themselves. The AKP government and state, a party to these attacks and their perpetrators, cannot be expected to protect them. On the contrary, they should protect themselves from this government and state which indeed stand behind these massacres. How could such a massacre ever be committed in Suruç where the government so to say has kept a sharp lookout? It is of course the AKP government and the state under its rule that has had this massacre committed there."
According to Bayık, this reality has proved once again that Kurds and other peoples cannot avoid such massacres unless they themselves establish self-governance and self-defense, and revealed the meaning and essentiality of democratic self-administration, democratic autonomy and self-defense on which Kurdish leader Öcalan and Kurdish people have put emphasis for years.
"Either the Kurdish question will be resolved, Turkey will be democratized and our people will attain self-administration and self-defense on this basis; or our people will establish this system themselves. Our people can no more leave their national existence and life to the mercy of the colonialist Turkish state and its governments. Could a state, which subjects the Kurdish people to repression and cruelty and wants to massacre them, be expected to defend them? This is why it is essential that our people establish their self-administration organs everywhere, which is the only way for them to protect themselves from such attacks", Bayık underlined.
Bayık underlined that another purpose of the Suruç massacre was to suppress the democratic and socialist powers trying to guarantee their future by embracing the Rojava Revolution, and to establish a buffer zone.
Recalling that Turkey has long imposed the issue of a buffer zone on regional and international powers despite all the objections, Bayık said last month's Kobanê attack and the following Suruç attack were also perpetrated to give the international powers the message that such massacres will repeatedly take place unless a buffer zone is established in Jarablus area. He said Turkey organized all kinds of massacres to make this objective of its real.
"Kobanê has revealed the reality of both ISIS and AKP, and of some Kurdish collaborative powers, as well as ruining all their plans, in which the people of Suruç also played a major role by manifesting great self-sacrifice and courage and waging great resistance together with the people of Kobanê. Kobanê and Pirsûs (Suruç) have continuously been targeted for destroying the plans of ISIS, AKP and collaborative Kurds, enhancing the revolution and growing the hope of the peoples."
Bayık noted that the aim of the massacres in Kobanê and Pirsûs was to hinder the uniting of Kobanê and Efrin cantons, and to help ISIS breathe and gather strength after the heavy blows and defeats it has suffered in Rojava (West) Kurdistan.
"Besides hindering these youths from going to Kobanê, they wanted to make the sensitive circles step back by means of a suicide attack. Massacre of these youths means massacre of Turkey's peoples and their future. These youths represented the conscience and future of this society. By going to Kobanê, they wanted to realize the idea of peoples' fraternity and joint struggle that was revealed at June 7 election, and to strengthen the basis for a new Turkey. By committing this massacre, the ISIS and AKP, both of which have lost in the June 7 elections, attacked the fraternal living of Turkey's peoples and cultures. They wanted to kill and bury in darkness the desire born by the Rojava Revolution and Turkey's peoples for democracy and freedom", Bayık said, underlining that the peoples and democratic circles, belief groups, youths and women should see the AKP and ISIS savagery and protect their existence, freedom and future in response.
Putting emphasis on the need for struggle and enhancement of solidarity among the mentioned groups, Bayık once again commemorated the martyrs with respect and vowed to enhance the struggle for which their bodies were torn into pieces, and to carry it to victory.
Pointing to the AKP government's efforts to put pressure on HDP and wage a psychological war against the party, Bayık said the aim here was to differentiate HDP from PKK and to make the HDP confront the PKK, as has been done since the founding of the pro-Kurdish HEP party.
KCK Executive Council Co-President underlined that Turkey's efforts to equate PYD to PKK aimed to clear and justify the ISIS, and to start a fresh attack on the Kurdish Freedom Movement. Bayık said everyone should force the AKP to adopt an attitude and give a fight against ISIS, as the present lack of action and reaction would otherwise serve nothing other than covering up the ISIS-AKP relations. Bayık said AKP couldn't adopt an attitude against ISIS because of the fact that ISIS would air all its dirty linen in public.
Bayık stressed that the peoples of Turkey should grow their unity and fraternity stronger in response to these attacks, and give the necessary answer to the AKP government and its savage partners by ensuring mass participation in each funeral for the martyrs.
"The martyrs should be conduce toward the fraternity and unity of our peoples. It is not possible to be worthy of their memories otherwise. Turkey's left-wing and democratic powers should ensure a stronger unity with the Kurdish Freedom Movement and create a free and democratic future for Turkey by enhancing the unity and joint struggle revealed at June 7 elections", Bayık emphasised.
KCK Executive Council Co-President ended by calling on the peoples of Turkey to step up the freedom and democracy struggle and to lead uprisings in Turkey and North Kurdistan in response to the Suruç attack.