Iranian forces kill a Kurdish kolbar in East Kurdistan

Iranian forces murdered another Kurdish kolbar named Kawan Majidi in Eastern Kurdistan.

According to the statement made by the Kurdistan Human Rights Network, Iran opened fire on a Solbar named Kawan Majidi, who tried to pass in his car through the checkpoint established by Iranian forces at the entrance of the village of Sawani in the city of Sardasht, in East Kurdistan.

Kawan Mecidi lost his life because of a bullet fired at his head. 

The Kurdistan Human Network said in its statement that Kawan Majidi was a father of three children and lived in the village of Gure Şêre in the town of Mirawaya Serdeşt.

At least 10 Kurdish kolbars have been killed by Iranian forces in East Kurdistan since the beginning of the year. Approximately 90 kolbars were injured.

In 2023, at least 30 Kurdish kolbars were massacred by Iranian forces.