HPG's four months war statement

HPG's four months war statement

HPG released its statement about the first four months balance of operations and clashes. The statement underlines the heavy consequences of the Turkish army‘s military operations in Kurdistan. It was recorded that in the first four months of 2010, a total of 22 military operations were carried out. HPG underlines that clashes occurred in 13 of these operations and that a total of 22 Turkish soldiers have been killed as the results of these clashes.

Underlining once more that they have been in a ceasefire position since 13 April 2009, HPG states that with its ongoing military operations, the Turkish Army is continuing to adopt a denial and destruction approach against the possibility of a democratic solution of the Kurdish question.

Also, the statement points out that the attacks against PKK leader, Abdullah Öcalan, the Kurdish democratic political institutions and organizations, the Kurdish women and youngsters were carried out contemporary to the military operations as to demonstrate the existence of an overall strategy.


In its statement HPG underlines that clashes and consequent losses have intensified in the months of March and April. In various cities of Kurdistan a total of 22 operations were carried out, many of which supported by air strikes.

In the statement it is finally stressed that despite the 'self-defense' approach adopted by the guerrillas, a total of 13 heavy clashes occurred in the months of March and April. In these clashes 22 soldiers were killed, while in the four months since the beginning of the year a total of 10 guerrillas lost their lives.


The statement also points out that 86 heavy artillery attacks occurred. Howitzer and mortars were used in these attacks and many civilian settlements were damaged, tens of animals killed and, as a result of these attacks local community’s source of income suffered a major blow.

The farmers,the main victims of these heavy artillery attacks, have many times voiced their concerns and fears and have underlined their suffering because of these attacks.