HPG: Guerrilla tunnels were bombed with chemical gas and prohibited explosives 67 times in two days

The HPG Press Liaison Centre reported that the guerrilla tunnels were bombed 67 times by the occupying Turkish army with chemical gas and prohibited weapons on 27 and 28 May.

The Press Centre of the People's Defence Forces (HPG) issued a statement providing information about the ongoing war in the guerrilla-held Medya Defence Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). The statement includes information on guerrilla actions against the Turkish invasion forces on the western front of the Zap region and on attacks by the Turkish army on 27 and 28 May.

The balance sheet covering 27 and 28 May was announced as follows:

“Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region;

- On 27 May at 10:30, the invaders in Girê FM Resistance Area were struck by the guerrillas with heavy weapons. This action was carried out by our YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) forces.

- On 27 May at 10:30, the invaders in Girê Cûdî Resistance Area were struck by the guerrillas with heavy weapons.

- On 27 May at 08:25, the invaders in Girê Amediyê Resistance Area were struck by the guerrillas with heavy weapons. Simultaneously, our YJA Star forces also targeted the invaders with medium automatic weapons.  

- On 28 May at 13:45, the invaders who attempted to install a radar system in Girê Amediyê Resistance Area were struck by the guerrillas and 1 radar system was destroyed.

Attacks carried out by the occupying Turkish army with banned explosives;

- On 27 and 28 May, our tunnels in the Girê FM Resistance Area of the Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region were bombed 63 times with toxic chemical gases and 3 times with prohibited explosives.

- On 27 and 28 May, our tunnels in Girê Cûdî Resistance Area in Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region were bombed 12 times by drones loaded with explosives.

- On 28 May, our tunnels in Girê Amediyê Resistance Area in Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region were bombed 1 time with prohibited explosives.

Attacks carried out by the occupying Turkish army;

- On 27 and 28 May, Turkish warplanes carried out 13 attacks, targeting the Karox area in the Qendîl region one time; the areas of Sinînê, Lolan, Girê Berbizina, Girê Şehîd Hawar in the Xakurkê region 6 times; the Şehîd Îbrahîm Resistance Area in the Zap region one time; the areas of Deşta Kafya and Zêvkê in the Garê region 4 times; the Bêşîlî Resistance Area in the Metîna region one time.

- On 28 May, Şêlazê Resistance Area in Metîna region was bombed by attack helicopters.”