HPG: Counter-guerrilla activities on the increase in North Kurdistan

HPG Press Office has reported that counter-guerrilla activities are on the increase in North Kurdistan ahead of 7 June elections, while the operations, ambushes and flights of the Turkish military forces also continue increasingly.

People’s Defence Forces (HPG) Press Office has reported in a written statement that counter-guerrilla activities are on the increase in North Kurdistan ahead of 7 June elections, while the operations, ambushes and flights of the Turkish military forces also continue increasingly.

HPG Press Office has listed the military activity of the Turkish army in its statement. Accordingly, the operation launched in the area of the Bilindbasan and Avyan villages of Esendere town of Yüksekova district of Hakkari on 27 May was ended by Turkish military forces without any results at 17:00 on 2 June.

HPG listed the reconnaissance flights of Turkish war planes over the guerrilla controlled areas as follows;

- over Avashin and Metina areas of Medya Defence Zones at between 15:00-16:00 on 2 June,

- over Zap region at between 11:30 – 15:30 on 2 June,

- over Gare area at between 20:00 – 21:00 on 2 June.

Also reporting drone activity carried out over Avashin area at between 22:00 - 24:00 on 2 June, HPG listed the locations of ambushes laid by the Turkish soldiers as follows:

- in the area between the villages of Kêlik and Seyfi in the Mawa area of Botan with armoured vehicles at between 20:00 – 22:00 on 1 June, while a group engaged in counter-activities also laid ambushes in the same area.

-in the area between the villages of Reşîne and Serxetê in Çırav area of Botan on 1 June,

- in the area surrounding the Zeynel village of Yayladere district of Bingöl by the soldiers from Heptarik military post at between 20:00 on 2 June and 05:00 on 3 June,

-in the area of Tatan village of Varto district of Muş, in addition to the check points set on the village road at between 08:00 – 16:00 on 2 June.

HPG further reported that a counter-activity by group of 4 persons, wearing the guerrilla uniforms, who have been putting pressure on the people of the villages in Kop district of Muş in the last 5 days, while another counter group has also been doing the same in the villages of Karaçoban district of Erzurum.

HPG ended its statement by calling on the people of those regions to be attentive and sensitive against these activities of counter-guerrilla units.