Enthusiastic Newroz celebration by the guerrillas in Garê

Guerrillas celebrated Newroz by lighting fires and setting off fireworks in Garê, where the occupant Turkish state was severely defeated and had to retreat in February.

HPG and YJA Star guerrillas welcomed Newroz with a magnificent celebration on the peaks of the Garê mountains.

The guerrillas danced around the fires as they let off fireworks. A huge guerrilla group attended the celebration on the slopes of the Garê mountain.

Guerrilla Şilan says it is the third Newroz she celebrates in the guerrilla areas, adding, "It is a very good feeling. You feel free in these mountains."

A guerrilla named Cudi Gulistan said, "The Newroz fire should be augmented every year."

HPG guerrilla named Botan Germiyani stated that it is his second Newroz celebration in the mountains of Kurdistan and said, "It is really a great feeling to celebrate this Newroz in the mountains of Kurdistan." He pointed out that guerrillas from four parts of Kurdistan and Arab guerrillas participated in Newroz in Garê. "We must enhance this resistance in order to break the isolation on Leader Öcalan," he added.

Another guerrilla, underlining that Newroz is an important symbol for the Kurdish people, said,"They keep saying that the guerrilla has been unable to move for years, but you see that we are here".