DTK: Bodies of our martyrs should be delivered immediately

DTK objected to the prevention of martyrs’ bodies’ delivery at the border gate and called upon AKP to start the necessary procedures for the bodies’ delivery.

DTK objected to the prevention of martyrs’ bodies’ delivery at the border gate and called upon AKP to start the necessary procedures for the bodies’ delivery. DTK also called upon people to gloriously embrace the martyrs’ bodies.

Issuing a written statement on the denial of delivery of  bodies of martyrs, Democratic Society Congress (DTK) stated that AKP failed to digest the will and decision of the people which came out of June 7 elections, initiated the debates on early elections, and dragged Turkey into chaos and instability. DTK said that AKP launched a new war on peoples by failing to acknowledge its role in the ISIS attack in Suruç and attacking Kurdish geography, people and guerrillas under the pretense of fighting ISIS.


DTK emphasized that the Ministerial Cabinet’s decision to prevent the delivery of guerrillas slain during ISIS attacks and Turkish army bombardments carried the risk of escalating the dirty war, and the decision had no place neither in Turkish law nor international law. DTK described the decision as violation of moral and conscientious values and underlined that it showed enmity to Kurdish people and democracy forces in Turkey. DTK noted that AKP was trying to avenge the results of June 7 elections, which rejected authoritarianism, with an all-out war, and called upon AKP and the Turkish state to abandon its inhumane policies and start the necessary procedures for the bodies’ delivery to the martyrs’ families.


DTK highlighted that peoples had the power, will, and organization to repel war policies as they always had, and called upon peoples to resist AKP’s dirty, immoral and unlawful war policies and gloriously embrace the martyrs’ bodies.