People protest appointment of trustee to Siirt Municipality

The people of Siirt protested the appointment of a trustee, emphasizing that they will continue to resist the usurpation of their will.

Protests continue following the appointment of a trustee by the Turkish Ministry of the Interior to Siirt Municipality, which was governed by the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party).

Some of the citizens protesting the usurpation of Siirt's democratic mandate spoke to ANF.

Neslihan Çabak said: "It is the oppression and injustice that the government is inflicting upon us. They will take money from our municipalities and give it to gangs. They are attacking our people in Rojava, while here they are appointing trustees to our municipalities. They are illegally occupying the municipalities that we reclaimed through our own labor and struggle.  The trustee gives nothing to these people. They are here for plunder and theft. They are stealing the labor of the Kurdish people. We do not accept this, and we will not leave the front of our municipality."

They cannot ignore the democratic will of the people

Murat Oğutcu said: "They have appointed a trustee three times. This is a coup, it is not a legal decision. We see this as a purely political decision. This political decision is a disregard of the will of the people of Siirt. We do not accept this unlawfulness and we are expressing our reaction. No one can disregard the will of these people."

The trustees are looting the municipality

Emine Polat said: "This is oppression, an insult, an injustice. These thieves are robbing us of our rights.  For us, the trustee represents plunder and theft.  They are stealing the people’s municipality and handing it over to their supporters."

We do not accept this oppression

Esmer Baran said: "They have no respect for the will of the Kurdish people. They come, steal, and plunder.  They do not care about these people. We reclaimed this municipality with our labor. As long as the AKP is in power, they cannot take this municipality through elections. The Kurdish people do not accept them. We do not accept the trustees. They are nothing but thieves. We do not accept this oppression."