DBP Co-Chair: Isolation must be lifted, Kurdish question must be solved democratically

Referring to the latest discussions on possible negotiations with the Kurds, DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır said that the state is looking for a new way for itself and the struggle must be increased even more.

Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır visited Peace Mothers' Assembly members in Bağlar district of Amed.

DBP Women's Assembly Spokesperson Berivan Bahçeci, DBP provincial co-chairs and Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Van MP Gülderen Varlı accompanied Bayındır during the visit.

Welcomed by the Peace Mothers at the door, the delegation expressed their disapproval of the attacks the mothers were subjected to during their attempts to set up a tent in Silopi district of Şırnak last week to express their demand for peace against war.

Keskin Bayındır made a short speech during the visit and congratulated the resistance of the mothers in Silopi. He said, “We congratulate you on your upright stance for 3 days. On the one hand, we were hurt by the attacks directed against you, but on the other hand, your resistance honoured us. We know that mothers are resisting not only in Silopi but in many places. Mothers have been pioneering this struggle to bring down this order for years. Mothers' resistance continues from the parliament to prisons. When mothers pioneer a path, they do not stop until they get results.”

Bayındır emphasised that the struggle of the Kurdish people was won at great cost and said, “We have put up great resistance at great cost. This success, this great resistance, has paved the way for us. Our goal is to carry this struggle forward by further increasing our unity, resistance and organisation.”

‘The Kurdish people can only win through resistance and struggle,’ Bayındır said, referring to the “Freedom” rally held in Amed on 13 October, adding that the message of the Kurdish people for the lifting of the isolation and the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan was clear. He emphasised that the Kurdish question must be solved through democratic means and that this solution must be supported by steps such as constitutional amendments.

Bayındır said, “We gave two messages: the lifting of isolation, the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan and a democratic solution to the Kurdish question. This solution can be achieved through constitutional amendments, it can be through parliament, but our message was clear at the rally. We know that something has changed within the state. We must increase our struggle against this. The state is looking for a new way for itself.”

Bayındır added, “There is a great opportunity for freedom if Kurds increase their struggle against attempts to extinguish their struggle. No matter what they say, this struggle will continue in line with rights and the law.”