Civilians fleeing ISIS atrocity take shelter near YPG

Suffering heavy blows in the hands of HPG, YJA-STAR and YPG/YPJ forces in Shengal, gang groups are now increasing their pressure on the local people.

After Rojava, the gang groups are now being inflicted severe blows in the hands of HPG, YJA-STAR and YPG/YPJ forces in Shengal as well. The civilians whom gang groups forcibly call to arms within the territory of Shengal are fleeing the cruelty of radical Islamic groups and taking shelter in the areas under control of YPG forces.

Local people tell that gang groups gather up all the men, even children, from their houses and force them to fight at the battle front.

A family of 6 persons, including 3 women and one child, took refuge near YPG after the increase of threats by the ISIS gangs in their area to the south of Shengal 12 km to Rojava border. The family managed to reach the YPG-controlled area after fleeing secretly amid the ISIS control over all the roads in the region.


The family members told that many people including their relatives remain under threat in the ISIS-held area, saying; “We were like reborn once we reached the checkpoint in YPG-controlled territory. We left everything we had behind as we fled them secretly, leaving our relatives and all other people under their threat.”


Getting into a panic after suffering heavy blows in the hands of HPG and YPG forces in Shengal during recent weeks, gang groups are putting further pressure on the local people, recruiting them forcibly and seizing their properties in an attempt to hold the areas under their control.

In the face of the increasing repression, local people are taking shelter near YPG before reaching their relatives in Til Koçer area.

The civilians fleeing ISIS gangs have been taken to Hesekê Public Relations Centre where they have been provided with their urgent needs.

A family of 6 civilians told the followings after reaching the YPG-held area; "ISIS gangs left no peace in our lands. They intervene everyone's lives, even their clothes and impose their own rules on the people, like forcing women to wear chador and men to grow a beard and quit smoking. We are lucky to have fled and saved ourselves somehow."


The family told that people in ISIS-held area were waiting for YPG to go there and save them from persecution. “The people believe they will be safe once they reach YPG-controlled areas. We did the same and fled there somehow. We are very lucky that we have managed to reach YPG/YPJ who are the only force to save us from ISIS atrocity.”

After being provided with their urgent needs at YPG Public Relations Office, the family was later sent to Til Koçer to stay with their relatives.