Komite Internazionalistak [Internationalist Committee], an internationalist organisation based in the Basque Country, has released a message of solidarity with the Kurdish people.
The Internationalist Committee firstly recalled that the repression being conducted by the government functions in Bakur (Kurdistan under Turkish administration) has provoked on the part of Kurdish organizations and people's parties a response of self-government and self-defense.
The statement underlined that the AKP led by Erdoğan, which became increasingly conservative and Islamist every passing day, has not been able to assimilate the results of the parliamentary elections of June 7, in which the HDP achieved a significant presence in the Turkish parliament and the AKP of Erdoğan lost the absolute majority that would have allowed him a presidential mandate and the construction of his caliphate in particular. “And now, Erdoğan, blinded by his pride and lust for power, has once again brought to the stage his face more bloody and repressive.”
The statement by Komite Internazionalistak stressed that; “Turkey, a NATO member, and located geographically in the heart of the Middle East, has been during these years, the patrons of the Islamic State, an instrument of Imperialism in the region, subjecting the people that live here to the most appalling and abominable actions of war, highlighting the rape, abduction and sale of women, and grabbing territories with the consequent slavery of people. But the people have not lost the time, and they built self-managed spaces on the basis of self-organisation and self-defense in communities in different neighborhoods in Hakkari, Silvan, Van, Ağrı, Muş etc, and shouted out 'Edi Bese' [Enough Already]. For this reason, the government of Ankara unleashed this repression that brings back memories of the bloody repression of the 90's, killings, arrests and disappearances, with the police and the army shooting people on the streets of towns and cities.”
Denouncing also the arrest of co-mayors of Amed's Sur and Silvan districts, the Committee demanded the freedom of all prisoners and detainees, as well as the suspension of the bombing against the PKK in the Qandil mountains.
The statement by the Internationalist Committee ended by sending a greeting of solidarity from Euskal Herria (Basque Country) to all the people and organizations that put into practice the right to defend and organize themselves, at the risk and cost of their lives.