Şapatan is burning for 16 days

In Şemdinli's Şapatan village a raging fire started by the army is continuing on the 16th day.

The fire set by troops of the Turkish state in the village of Şapatan in Hakkari's Şemdinli district on August 28 is still ravaging unhindered.

The fire was caused by the bombardments and shelling of the Turkish army and is continuing on the high plains two kilometres far from the district centre, making its way to the Qeymeqamiyê Fountain.

The villagers who want to put out the blazes are impeded by the soldiers. The fire continues and has already completely burnt to the ground the areas of Dole, Serdolê, Hewrîsê, Kanibotkê, Resê, Pistaderê, Kelûtkê, Pavîzewarî and Bînsûlê in the Elde Serero region.