‘The path to justice passes through Roboskî’

150 months after the Roboskî Massacre perpetrated by the Turkish state, the Justice for Roboskî Initiative once again demanded that those responsible be exposed and held to account.

On 28 December 2011, 34 people, including 19 children, were massacred by Turkish warplanes in Roboskî village of the Uludere district of Şırnak province. 150 months have passed since the massacre and the policy of impunity still continues.

The Justice for Roboskî Initiative gathered in front of the Human Rights Association (IHD) Ankara Branch as they do on the 28th of every month to demand the trial of those responsible.

During the demonstration, a banner reading "Find the killers! Roboskî, never happen again" was unfurled.

This week's statement was made by Ömer Faruk Yazmacı, Co-Chair of IHD Ankara Branch.

Yazmacı said, "Roboski is the test of the state and the government, the shame and the bleeding wound of this land and the search for justice. The path to peace and justice in these lands will surely pass through Roboski first and foremost. It is vital for all violations of the right to life that those responsible for the Roboski massacre are exposed, tried and sentenced accordingly. We have not forgotten, we will not forget, and we will not let it be forgotten."