Hunger strikes in Iran spread to more than 20 prisons

In Iran, hunger strikes launched by prisoners against the death penalty have spread to many prisons.

In Iran, hunger strikes are organised every Tuesday to protest the death penalty.

Hunger strikes in the ‘Tuesday Without Execution’ campaign, which entered its 36th week, spread to 22 prisons.

Most recently, political prisoners in Arak Prison announced that they would be on hunger strike every Tuesday.

The prisons where hunger strike action against death penalty continues are as follows: Evin Prison, Qezal Hesar Prison, Karaj Central Prison, Greater Tehran Prison, Khorramabad Prison, Nizam Prison in Shiraz, Asadabad Prison in Isfahan, Bam Prison, Mashhad Prison, Lakan Prison in Rasht, Qaimshahr Prison, Ardabil Prison, Tabriz Prison, Urmia Prison, Salmas Prison, Khoi Prison, Naqdeh Prison, Saqqez Prison, Baneh Prison, Marivan Prison, Kamiyaran Prison and Arak Prison.