Press In Arrest says that 64 journalists were tried in September

Press In Arrest announced its “September 2020 Press Freedom Report”. The report pointed out that 64 journalists were tried in September.

Press In Arrest announced its "September 2020 Press Freedom Report". According to the report, at least 64 journalists, 20 of whom women, were tried in 38 press cases in at least 7 provinces in the month of September. The report said that the courts demand 7 aggravated life sentences and imprisonment up to 970 years and 10 months. In addition, three journalists were demanded to pay fines for a total of 340 thousand TL in compensation cases.


The report underlined the rights violations experienced by journalists during the trial as follows:

"* The publicity of the proceedings has been violated at least 10 times.

* The coronavirus pandemic has also affected the journalist trials. In 9 cases in which 13 journalists were on trial, observers were not allowed in the courtroom by the judges on the grounds of the "coronavirus epidemic". Only journalists and their lawyers on trial were taken to the hearings.

* The hearing of 5 cases in which 5 journalists were tried in September were seen in the custody of the police or private security guards.

* It was observed that in at least 13 of 38 cases in which journalists were tried, the court board changed from the previous hearing. It was observed that the member judges changed in the cases. In two cases, the trial prosecutor changed according to the previous hearing.

* The court board, which sat at the trial of journalist Aziz Oruç, changed completely compared to the previous court board. Oruç therefore met a completely different panel at the hearing he attended through Audio and Video Information System from prison. The delegation decided to keep Oruç in prison.

* In September, at least 64 journalists were tried on charges under 5 different laws. Some of the journalists were charged under multiple laws.

* An increase in sentence was asked for 15 journalists.

* At least 11 journalists were taken into custody and summoned to testify. An investigation was launched and / or a criminal complaint was filed against them.

* 5 journalists were sentenced to 21 years and 6 months in prison."