No justice for Roboski victims

No justice for Roboski victims

The families of the 34 civilians who were killed by Turkish war planes in Roboski on 28 December, denounce once again the fact that none of those responsible for the death of their relatives has been brought to justice. After 119 days since the massacre the investigation launched into the massacre has yet to bring about any result.

The families say that the government is attempting to cover up the massacre and that the Uludere Subcommission of the Parliamentary Human Rights Watch Commission is not reliable.

Þirvan Encü’s mother Leyla Encü is angry with the fact that villagers have been arrested for attacking the Uludere Governor during his visit while those responsible of the massacre have still not been found. “Is the governor more important than 34 people who died?” she asks.

Another victim’s brother Hikmet Alma expresses despair about the parliamentary investigation. He says the deputies from the Justice and Development Party (AKP) are trying to distort the truth. Alma comments that those responsible of the massacre are well-known. He adds that the villagers demand an independent commission consisting of non-governmental organizations to investigate the incident in loco.