Yezidi Kurds living in Tambov province of Russia opened their first temple which is called ‘Kubbe’.
The 700 thousand Yezidis are members of an ancient Kurdish religion predominantly living in Mosul province of Northern Iraq where the holy temple Laleþ is located. However, there is a considerable number of Yezidis living in former Soviet Unions countries like Azerbaijan, Georgia as well as Moscow some of whom were deported from East Anatolia together with Armenians at the beginning of the 20th century. There are 10 thousand Yezidi Kurds living in Tambov province and its vicinity.
Speaking in the opening ceremony member of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Cemal Þamoyev said Yezidis suffer lack of temples due to pressure they face; however this temple will provide a great contribution in practising their religion. A Yezidi clergy Þeyh Cemal also said the greatest temple for Yezidis is their country, Kurdistan.