KCK Executive Council co-chair Cemil Bayık said that "Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] wants to set an end to this. He wants to put an end to the war and wants to develop democratization. This is in the interest of everyone. Therefore, everyone must take practical steps."
The first part of this speech can be found here.
Bayık said: "The reactions in the international arena are positive. Almost everyone has expressed that they view Rêber Apo’s call positively. We appreciate these statements, but the issue cannot only be resolved through statements. Those who make these statements must also fulfill the duties and responsibilities that fall on their shoulders in practice.
The solution to the Kurdish question, the democratization of Turkey, and the democratization of the Middle East do not only concern Rêber Apo, the Kurdish freedom movement, and Kurds; they concern everyone. Because today the Middle East was the center of the Third World War. Blood is flowing in torrents. Rêber Apo wants to set an end to this. He wants to put an end to the war and wants to develop democratization. This is in the interest of everyone. Therefore, everyone must take practical steps. They need to fulfill their responsibilities for the realization of Rêber Apo’s call. They need to pressure the Turkish state in order to take steps. If they make an effort in this direction, then their statements have a meaning. Otherwise, making statements and not doing anything in practice means not wanting these steps to be taken.
In addition, these powers, especially Europe, played a major role in the creation of the Kurdish question. It is known that with the development of the international conspiracy, they aggravated this problem they created. Rêber Apo has now developed a step of historical responsibility. He has given everyone an opportunity. The time for them has come to give self-criticism. They can correct their approach. They can offer their support to the Kurds and can withdraw their support for the denial-extermination. They can force the Turkish state to take steps. This is what we expect. Rêber Apo has now offered this opportunity to everyone. The rest is to make use of it. We hope they will make use of it in this way.
With this step, Rêber Apo wants to develop, strengthen, and succeed in his paradigm of creating a democratic society based on social ecology and women’s freedom. This is the foundation on which he strives to lead the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom and democracy to success. He wants to democratize Turkey and the Middle East and wants to realize the free and democratic aspirations of humanity. He wants to achieve these goals by deepening the struggle according to the paradigm of women’s liberation. The process we are going through is a process of struggle. In its history, this movement has always made new beginnings and developed on this basis. What Rêber Apo is doing now is a new beginning. He wants to raise the movement to a higher level. As I pointed out before, the movement does not change its philosophy, ideology, or paradigm. The changes, transformations, and restructuring it has made are in its way of organization and its methods of struggle. The struggle it has developed has grown, has gone beyond the parts of Kurdistan, and has gained an international level. Rêber Apo started with a party, developed it, and brought it to this level. Now at the level the struggle has reached, a party is not a sufficient answer anymore. In this respect, the PKK has completed its life; it has played its role. For this reason, instead of the PKK, Rêber Apo wants to develop a democratic organization and struggle that encompasses all these developments. He wants to implement his paradigm on this basis. The paradigm of social ecology, women’s freedom, and democratic society he has developed is not only for Kurds; it is for all peoples and humanity. This paradigm is for everyone who strives for freedom, democracy, and socialism. He wants to develop this paradigm on democratic, political, and legal grounds and bring it to success.
As Rêber Apo has stated very clearly in his prison writings, he is starting the era of the peoples. It is the period of developing the peoples’ struggle for freedom and democracy. Because capitalist modernity has now reached its breaking point. It is experiencing chaos and cannot produce solutions. On this basis, Rêber Apo evaluates the developments in the world and takes steps accordingly. He attaches great importance to the organization of the people and the formation of the organized will of the people and takes this as a basis. Therefore, Rêber Apo takes democratic organization and democratic struggle as a basis.
Here, women and young people have great leadership, great duties, and responsibilities. They must lead the construction of this democratic society. The process that this movement wants to develop is such a process not only for Kurds but also for all the peoples of the Middle East and humanity. The tool for this is no longer a party, but the organization of the peoples, societies themselves. They themselves take their own destiny into their own hands. Rêber Apo wants to create a system that is self-sufficient, that meets its own needs, that runs itself. All efforts are made on this basis. Therefore, all Kurdish people, democrats, patriots, and socialists must get active. They need to claim their future, their freedom. They need to organize and express themselves.
At the same time, society in Turkey must also organize itself and join this process. It is necessary to lead the development of change, transformation, and restructuring in Turkish society. For this, socialists, democrats, women, youth, artists, writers, politicians, non-governmental organizations, and everyone has great duties and responsibilities. In particular, organizations, circles, and individuals who are engaged in the struggle for democracy and freedom in Turkey, who are engaged in the socialist struggle, need to make Turkish society comprehend the process that Rêber Apo wants to develop, break down the prejudices that have been created, and bring about a change in mentality. They need to do their part in developing Turkish and Kurdish brotherhood.
If efforts are made in this direction, there is much that Turkish society can contribute to the struggle for democracy and freedom. These are not small gains if they are mobilized. It can bring about great change in Turkey. Because so many struggles have been waged. There have been important achievements, results, and values created. These have not gone in vain. Maybe now they have been repressed. Maybe fascism, social chauvinism, nationalism, and racism have caused a lot of damage. But these values are still alive. The task is to resurrect them. It is the duty of socialists, democrats, and those who want to solve the Kurdish question who can do this. If they do this, if they unite with the Kurdish front on this basis, what will emerge is the democratization of Turkey. It is the solution to all problems, including the Kurdish question. Especially the Alevi people should be aware that they are a fundamental force in this process and should fulfill their responsibilities.
Rêber Apo is not initiating a change, transformation, and restructuring out of the blue. When one examines the history of this movement and the reality of Rêber Apo, one can clearly see that Rêber Apo is constantly developing change, transformation, and restructuring in order to develop this movement and lead it to success and to realize the aspirations of the Kurdish people and humanity. What is new is that he has taken these efforts to a higher level. Otherwise, it is not new. The history of this movement, the history of Rêber Apo, is the history of developing revolution in a continuous revolution. This can only develop through change, transformation, and restructuring. For this reason, this movement has experienced and sustained continuous development. Despite all the attacks and conspiracies, it has reached today’s level.
If Rêber Apo had not exercised constant criticism and self-criticism under these conspiracies and attacks, if he had not constantly seen what he had done as sufficient and aimed to create something new, if he had not developed the movement on this basis, if he had not constantly seen the aspects that did not serve the purpose and eliminated them, and if he had not constantly created transformation and restructuring on this basis, this movement would never have developed and reached today’s level. What Rêber Apo is doing now is the culmination of what he did in the past. Now he wants to take the struggle to a more advanced level with a new manifesto. He is striving to fulfill the aspirations of the Kurdish people, the peoples of the Middle East, and humanity. The duty and responsibility of the militants and sympathizers of this movement is to understand Rêber Apo better, to share the burden that Rêber Apo has shouldered, to share his responsibility, and to put forth the necessary practice.
Society needs to be mobilized on this basis. Like this, the struggle which the Kurdish people have developed with great labor, cost, and suffering, will achieve its goal. Democratization will develop in Turkey and in the Middle East; democratization will develop, which by itself will have a great impact on the world. Because the Middle East is the foundation of the world, a place where all beginnings develop. The world has been shaped through the Middle East. Every development in the Middle East affects the world, all of humanity. The Kurdish people are at the heart and center of the Middle East. It has reached a position to determine the fate of everyone. Rêber Apo is making an effort for the future of humanity, for freedom, and for a democratic system. This is a great effort in itself, a historical effort, a manifesto. Everyone must embrace this and fulfill their duties and responsibilities. My call is on this basis. In order for Rêber Apo to fulfill this, there is a global freedom campaign that has been launched. This campaign must be expanded everywhere. It must be expanded together with all international friends. Rêber Apo must be taken out of the Imrali system. That system must be destroyed. Rêber Apo’s freedom must be physically ensured, and he must be ensured to work under free conditions. This is the goal. Everyone must lock on to this goal and fulfill their duties and responsibilities accordingly.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity once again to congratulate both our people and all of humanity on the upcoming Newroz and Ramadan. And I wish everyone every success in their struggles."