Italian edition of Make Rojava Green Again now out

With the language bridging utopia and the concrete, the poetic and the everyday, the Internationalist Commune has produced a vision which is also a book about how an ecological and free society may look like.

The Italian edition of the book ‘Make Rojava Green Again’ has been published by Rete Kurdistan in collaboration with UIKI (Kurdistan Information Office in Italy) Onlus.

The book has been compiled by the Internationalist Commune of Rojava and is prefaced by journalist and author Debbie Bookchin.

The book answers one question, as Debbie Bookchin says in her preface “Why are the social structures in Rojava so peculiar to inspire such a strong loyalty to its people and defenders?"

With the language bridging utopia and the concrete, the poetic and the everyday, the Internationalist Commune has produced a vision which is also a book about how an ecological and free society may look like.

In these pages we find a philosophical introduction to the idea of social ecology, a theory saying that only when we end the hierarchical relations between human beings (men over women, old over youth, an ethnic or religious belief over another as well as other forms of domination) we will be able to heal our relation with the natural world.” 

The book is 144 pages long and contains photos and illustrations and is published by Dog Section Press.

The website of the Internationalist Commune is:


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