Prof. Özgen: The Turkish state tries to control the dialogue process through attacks on Rojava

Prof. Neşe Özgen said that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is attempting to control the dialogue process through ongoing attacks but lacks bargaining power due to his weakened position.

Prof. Neşe Özgen, a member of the European Forum for Freedom and Peace and a Peace Academic, told ANF that Turkey, governed through corruption, exploitation, and plunder, has been involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity. He underlined that Kurds are a strong actor in the region and will determine their own destiny, and added that despite all the oppression and attacks by the Turkish state, it has failed to achieve its objectives.

Prof. Özgen described this as a "disappointment" for the Turkish state, and added: "They are increasing oppression and violence, but what is coming cannot be stopped."

Recent developments are a sign of a regime change

Prof. Neşe Özgen suggested that the changes expected to occur from the second quarter of the 21st century might differ from those of previous periods. She argued that the Third World War is not solely the result of struggles over energy corridors or the stagnation of the capitalist system, but also points to an ideological shift. Asking critical questions like, "What will the ideology of this new situation be? If we are fighting a war, what are we fighting for, and what will emerge from it?" Prof. Özgen emphasized the need to envision a life based on the equality of peoples and a democracy that centers women’s justice, avoiding the mistakes of the past. She added that she remains hopeful about achieving this vision. 

Referring to Prof. Ilhan Uzgel’s observation that, "Whenever there is a transfer of capital, whenever capital within the capitalist system and the state begins to differentiate, a regime change inevitably follows in Turkey, including coups," Prof. Özgen agreed, stating: "I believe we are now on the brink of just such a regime change." 

Turkey has been involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity

Prof. Özgen said: "Under Erdoğan’s leadership, a profit-oriented capitalism has been established in Turkey, driven by a network of interests that has dominated the state system." She noted that Turkey, governed through corruption, exploitation, and plunder, has become involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity during this process. Drawing attention to the fact that all these crimes could come under review during periods of change, Prof. Özgen argued that Erdoğan has become too weak to govern Turkey under current circumstances. Regarding the arms industry, Prof. Özgen stated that the progress claimed in propaganda does not reflect reality. She emphasized that despite significant financial expenditures, some weapons produced are not capable of influencing international war strategies. 

The role of Kurds as a strong actor in the region

Prof. Neşe Özgen highlighted that the Kurdish people and pro-democracy forces have significantly weakened Erdoğan through their powerful resistance, adding that hopes are pinned on the strength of this resistance. She emphasized that the Kurds are a strong actor in the region and will determine their own destiny.

Referring to the discussions and processes in Turkey, Prof. Neşe Özgen stated:  "What we do is important. All pro-democracy forces must urgently present their own programs. There is truly hope, though there has not yet been any progress at the level of solutions. As democracy forces, we must move forward based on the current opportunities. For example, the outcome of this process could be the cessation of the use of weapons against Turkey. This could create an atmosphere that would ease the position of the Kurds in the region and foster the development of democracy in Turkey. Achieving all of this depends on the ability of us, democratic forces, women, Kurds, and all structures within Turkey and the region to act together."

Turkish state's attacks are an attempt to control the process

Commenting on the ongoing attacks amid discussions about the process, Prof. Neşe Özgen said: "During dialogue processes, there have been attacks both on the guerrilla forces and on the people. These attacks have not slowed down, but Erdoğan is weak. He is trying to determine how his rule will collapse. He does not want to face trial. They cannot fully control what will emerge at the end of this process. These attacks are about trying to control the process. At the moment, Erdoğan’s side does not have the power to negotiate. They are cornered."

Rojava is a  source of hope for all of us

Highlighting that a peaceful resolution would bring relief to both Turkey and the region, Prof. Neşe Özgen stated: "Rojava, with its model and structure, is a new source of hope for all of us. In the 21st century, there is no other structure that has developed such a new model of freedom for humanity. We must pay close attention to this. All of our achievements are the achievements of the world’s peoples. We are at a critical crossroads where we must decide what kind of democracy we want to develop in the Middle East and what we aspire to achieve. I hope we make decisions that lead to peace, democracy, and freedom. As democracy and peace forces, it is time for us to take on our role."