Women rally against violence in Istanbul

In Istanbul women rallied in the run-up to November 25 and protested against the increasing patriarchal violence and the anti-women discourses of the Erdoğan regime.

In the run-up to 25 November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Women's Council of Istanbul organized a rally on Sunday in the Kadıköy district. At the rally, the women declared with banners: "We will ensure that the Istanbul Convention is implemented" and "We will win equal rights and break the exploitative order". Other banners read "We do not want to die".

"Awareness is not enough, everyone must become a solution factor"

Women chanted slogans like "We will femicide" or "You will never be alone". The opening speech at the rally was held by the Turkish representative of the Platform against Femicide (Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu, KCDP), Gülsüm Kav.

Kav stressed that violence against women is the most important problem for millions of women in Turkey. About the rooting of patriarchal violence, she said: "There is now not a single television series in Turkey that does not deal with these crimes against women in Turkey. Everyone is aware of violence against women. For 10 years the determined fight of the families, who suffer losses each day in this country, continues.”

However, awareness of violence is not enough, everyone must become a "solution factor", said Kav ad continued: “Only a joint struggle can bring about a solution. If a large part of the population is now aware of our problems, then they must join the fight now. Today there are women's councils in the universities and councils of the workers' women. It is our working sisters who will complete our struggle. This just struggle will be as strong as the struggle of women a hundred years ago. We have made great advances so far. In the struggle for rights, women workers, too, must become part of the struggle. This year we will make sure that the headlines read “no woman has been murdered” and that “femicide disguised as suicide is history”.

"For a world without violence and exploitation against women"

The women announced their intention to build a world in which "all women are freed from violence and exploitation". The Women's Councils of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) call for November 25 activities under the slogan "We expose male violence and live with women's solidarity".