Thousands in Bologna for Sakine, Fidan and Leyla

"Women, life, freedom, together with the Rojava revolution," was the slogan of the demonstration.

Rete Kurdistan, Rete Jin, Jineologji Italy, Non Una Di Meno, Ya Basta and Labas were among the promoters of the march to commemorate Sakine, Fidan and Leyla in Bologna, Italy.

The slogan of the demonstration, which was attended by many women, trade unionists, civil society associations, was "Women, life, freedom, together with the Rojava revolution".

Activists joined the demonstrations coming from other cities, Modena, Parma, Firenze and Padova, Rome.

The march with women at the forefront of the cortege began with the performance of members of Jineoloji Italy and Non Una Di Meno, who adapted the performance by Chilean Las Tesis, to condemn Erdogan and the murders of Sakine, Fidan and Leyla.

Italian activists also carried a photo of one of the iconic figure in the struggle against the high speed train in Val Susa, Nicoletta Dosio who has been arrested.