Survivors of 1937-38 Dersim Genocide die

Eşliye Çice and Necef Duman, who survived the Dersim Genocide of 1837-38, lost their lives.

Eşliye Çiçe (Fecire Erol) from the village of Zimek (Çığırlı) in Xozat (Hozat) district and 94-year-old Necef Duman, who survived the Dersim Genocide, hiding under the dead body of her mother Besi who was shot dead in the hamlet of Hopik, have died.

The two women were buried in the village of Zimek.

Cice spoke some time ago to the Pir News Agency (PIRHA) about the Dersim genocide and said: "They rounded up everyone and took them to the area of threshing. Machine guns were installed there. Everyone started screaming, some managed to escape. They separated the men from the women and took them to the mountain, saying that they would take their picture. They took us to the mountains. We were children, we were hungry, we wanted bread and water. My mother put me between her legs and put my brother on her chest and hid us by lying face down. My mother was killed. I pretended to be dead. When evening fell, a young woman came and shouted: ‘The soldiers are gone, those who are alive, get up’. They killed scores of us in Hopik (Beyaz Dağ). We knew our dead by their clothes."