Susan Mohammed from Bashur is one of ATHENA40's candidates

Susan Mohammed Arif, from South Kurdistan, is among the 40 candidates of this year's ATHENA40, which every two years select the 40 most innovative and influential women worldwide.

ATHENA40 every two years selects 40 of the most forward-thinking women at global level. Women who create positive change in the society they live in and also support other women and girls to develop. This year's 40 successful women will be announced in April.

Susan Mohammed Arif, Director and Founder of the South Kurdistan Women Empowerment Organization (WEO) is among the 40 innovative women from all over the world.

ATHENA40 is the first-ever global selection of the top 40 most forward thinking women who create positive change in their societies and industries and also support other women and girls to thrive.

ATHENA40 is a jury-based list of pioneering women in their field and it is merit-based.

ATHENA40 will be published every two years and the scope is to cultivate an entrepreneurial approach among women and to amplify the ideas and projects launched by women or focusing on women.

By adopting an entrepreneurial approach we mean enabling women to be open and curious. Entrepreneurs ask questions. They are open to risk and they rise above failure.


The Women Empowerment Organization (WEO), headed by Susan Mohammed Aref, was established in 2004 in Hewlêr, Southern Kurdistan. Since its inception, WEO has worked with a number of partners and donors, including UN agencies and has received EU grants, to implement programs and activities that promote equal rights for women to increase their social, political, economic and cultural participation characteristics in Iraq and Southern Kurdistan.

WEO operates to prevent and respond to gender-based violence. It provides for survivors of gender-based violence with social and psychological counseling, legal assistance, case management and enhancing women's legal protection. WEO organized various training and workshops with ministries, religious leaders, judges and police, from the Kurdistan Regional Government to provide information and support to promote women's rights and protection of community members.


She is a founder and director of Women Empowerment Organization (WEO) which was created in 2004 and currently the coordinator of CSTF for INAP 1325 implementation.

Her involvement with WPS agenda and UNSCR 1325 dates back to 2012 when she led a network of women NGOs for the development of Iraqi NAP 1325 called Iraq NAP 1325 Initiative.

This advocacy work continued for 2 years until INAP 1325 was fully developed and endorsed by both Iraqi and KRG governments in 2014. Later, she contributed to the development of INAP Emergency plan and INAP priorities for 2016 within a more expanded network called Iraqi Alliance for 1325. 


Together with Susan Mohammed Arif there are other women shortlisted such as Libyan Human Rights activist Zahra Langhi, former First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, former German footballer Roceky Hehakaija.