Kurdish women take to the streets in Stuttgart, Bonn and Paris

Activists protested the attacks of the invading Turkish state in the cities of Stuttgart, Bonn and Paris.

Activists also drew attention to the isolation imposed on Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan.


The action in Paris was promoted by TJK-F and held in front of the French Parliament. Activists protested the attacks against South Kurdistan and Rojava, as well as the massacres of women carried out by the invading Turkish state.

Simultaneously with the action of Kurdish women, the people of Cameroon also organised an action against dictatorship, exploitation, massacre and political genocide. Kurdish women and the people of Cameroon met and ended their actions in Kurdish and French with slogans and songs.


In order to draw attention to the isolation imposed on Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan in front of the House of Deputies in Abgeordnetenhaus in Stuttgart.

The action ended with the delivery to the authorities of the file about the condition of detention to which is subjected the Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan.


The action of Kurdish women in front of the United Nations continues in Bonn. In the action, organized by the KNK Women's Commission, the kidnapping of Kurdish women in Afrin and the murder of three other women in Kobanê were condemned.

The file submitted to the authorities also criticised the silence of the United Nations.