KCDP: 16 women were murdered in Turkey in February

According to the KCDP report for February, 16 women were murdered, and 21 women were found dead in suspicious circumstances.

The ‘We Will Stop Femicide Platform’ (KCDP) published its report on femicides committed in February. Accordingly, 16 women were murdered, and 21 others were found dead in suspicious circumstances.

Of the 16 femicide victims, 4 were murdered by their husbands, 4 by former husbands, 3 by their sons, 2 by former partners, 1 by her partner, 1 by her father and 1 by a relative. 11 women were murdered at home, 2 on the street, 1 in a deserted place, 1 at work and 1 in front of a school.

According to the data, 69 percent of the women killed this month were murdered in their homes.