Fourteen policemen accused of feminicide in El Salvador

The murder of a policewoman by a colleague led to the dismantle of a Police special body.

A long and thorough investigation by the General Prosecutor led to the charge of aggravated feminicide of 14 members of the Police special body called Grupo de Reaccion Policial (GRP, Police Reaction Group).

The facts as related by the Republic General Prosecutor occurred on 29 December 2017 when, at the end of a Christmas party, the member of this police group, Carla Ayala, was shot dead by her partner Juan Josue Castillo in front of other 13 policemen.

The killer subsequently moved the body of Ayala to his family’s country property and buried it there, while the other agents continued to assist.

When Carla’s body was found, the investigation began and led the government to dissolve the GRP and to create another similar police unity, including among the new rule the special training on feminicide, human rights and psychological counsel.

El Salvador is the smallest country of Central America, yet it has one of the first in the world when it comes to crimes against women.