European Women's Solidarity: Implement the Istanbul Convention!
European Women's Solidarity issued a written statement about the Istanbul Convention.
European Women's Solidarity issued a written statement about the Istanbul Convention.
The statement said: "The most important feature of the Istanbul Convention is that it is the first document that legally binds the signatory countries to act to prevent and combat domestic violence and all kinds of violence against women regardless of whether there is a biological or legal family bond. It is the first international document to define this.”
The statement underlined that the convention is an achievement of the increasing protest of women on an international scale against all kinds of violence against women by the male and male-dominated capitalist system.
"We call on all anti-fascist - anti-imperialist women to reclaim the Istanbul Convention for its effective implementation in the European countries we live in."
European Women's Solidarity said: "We need to force the governments to fully implement the Istanbul Convention, and we need to enlarge the anti-fascist-anti-imperialist women's struggle."
The statement ended with the following call: " We call on women to take the streets to impose the implementation of the Istanbul Convention, with the power of the international women's movement, leaning on our gains against violence against women, our rights based on equality and freedom."