European Women's Solidarity condemns the deadly Turkish attack against journalists

European Women's Solidarity stated that they will keep the memories of the murdered journalists alive in their struggle, saying, “Let the fascist AKP-MHP government know that with every person murdered, we stand up stronger again.”

The European Women's Solidarity (AKD) condemned the killing of journalists Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn in an UCAV attack carried out by the occupying Turkish state against a vehicle carrying Kurdish journalists in Seyîdsadiq district of Sulaymaniyah on 23 August.

In a written statement on Sunday, AKD condemned the attack which claimed the lives of Sterk TV reporters Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn and left 6 other journalists wounded.

The statement by the European Women's Solidarity said the following:

“The colonialist Turkish state continues its dirty war it has been waging in Southern Kurdistan for years, having intensified in recent years, targeting women politicians and journalists in particular.

In South Kurdistan, the Turkish state bombs anywhere it wants as if it was its own territory. It carries out assassinations against the revolutionaries it determines. The increasing attacks by the fascist palace regime after the KDP's visit to Turkey are conducted with the support and cooperation of the KDP.

The fascist Turkish state, which has suffered a defeat in the Medya Defence Zones and could not achieve the ‘victory’ it declared every moment, continues to assassinate civilians, journalists and politicians for the sake of its ‘I am winning’ propaganda. Local collaborators and agents prepare the ground for these massacres.

The alliances of the fascist Turkish state, which does not abide by any morality of war, are primarily responsible for all these massacres.

After the assassination of Kurdish women revolutionaries Sakine Cansız and Evîn Goyî in Paris and Nagihan Akarsel in Sulaymaniyah, the male-dominated fascist power could not stop the women's liberation struggle.

We commemorate our comrades, our sisters, journalists Gulistan and Hêro with respect. We promise that we will keep their memory alive in our determined struggle, and we will call them to account.

As the European Women's Solidarity (AKD), we will not remain silent against all colonialist, occupying and massacring forces.

Let the fascist AKP-MHP government know that with every person murdered, we stand up stronger again!

Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn are immortal!”