DEM Party: We will experience our pain together and heal our wounds together

DEM Party Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan made a statement regarding the fire in Amed and Mardin, saying: "We will never leave our people affected by the fires alone; we will experience our pain together and heal our wounds together."

In a written statement on Friday, the DEM Party Co-Chairs said, "We wish God's mercy to our citizens who lost their lives in the fire that broke out yesterday evening in the rural area between Diyarbakır's Çınar district and Mardin's Mazıdağı district and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. We are saddened for the hundreds of living beings who died and were affected by the fire."

The statement continued: "From the first moment of the fire, Diyarbakır, Mardin and Van Metropolitan Municipalities, as well as the surrounding district municipalities mobilised all their facilities and equipment and responded to the fire. After the fire, our municipalities set up a crisis desk to meet the basic needs of the people living in the region and quickly delivered basic equipment such as mobile soup kitchen vehicles and living tents to the fire areas. In addition, veterinarians within our municipalities were assigned to take care of the animals that were severely affected by the fire. DBP Co-Chairs, our MPs, co-mayors, provincial and district organisations and city dynamics immediately moved to the region, intervened in the fire together with our people and shared the pain of our people. In the following process, our municipalities will fulfil their responsibilities in determining and meeting the needs of the citizens.

Initial information from the region is that the state delayed in responding to the fire. On the other hand, the Diyarbakır Governor's Office's statement that the fire was a 'stubble and cover' fire was contested by the villagers and those who experienced the disaster themselves, stating that the fire was caused by the fall of electric wires that had not been repaired for years. In order to reveal the cause of this great disaster, the necessary investigations should be initiated immediately, and the damage and loss of the villagers affected by the fire should be determined and compensated. In addition, we call on all our people to be in solidarity with our citizens who have suffered in this fire.

We have learnt that a large-scale fire broke out in Ergani at these hours when we are talking about the fire. It is our hope that the situation will be intervened quickly and brought under control immediately. We will never leave our people affected by the fire alone. We will experience our pain together and heal our wounds together."