Arab women remember victims of the Shengal genocide

Arab women expressed that they will always stand by the women from Shengal, and that they are ready to pay any price for the freedom of women.

Arab women marked the 5th anniversary of the Shengal genocide in Til Hemis and Til Birak districts of Qamishlo.

The statements made in two districts were read by Kongreya Star members Coza Hasûd and Henan Dawid.

Speakers stated that the Shengal genocide will remain on the dark pages of history and highlighted that the international community became an accomplice to this genocide with their silence.

The statements underlined that Arab women will always stand by the women from Shengal, and that they are ready to pay any price for the freedom of women.

The Arab women also highlighted Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s threats against North and East Syria, and the massacres perpatrated in Afrin, and vowed that struggle against the occupation will continue.