Syriac Union Party: Turkey’s actions are a threat to all peoples

Syriac Union Party condemned Turkey’s attacks on Rojava and Northern Syria and stated that Turkey’s attacks on Northern Syria hinder the fight against terror.

Syriac Union Party Executive Council issued a written statement on the Turkish invasion attacks on Rojava and Northern Syria. The statement includes the following:

“Turkey supports terror and stands in the way of political solutions by continuing with their policies against the Syrian peoples. They are acting in their own interest in Shehba and Efrîn regions simultaneously with the SDF’s operation to liberate Raqqa.

The Turkish regime is trying to continue with their special interests and to hinder democratic projects that will enable the building of a democratic Syria based on the federation system by supporting terrorism.

We condemn these policies by the AKP-ruled Turkish state and consider them a threat to all Kurdish, Syriac, Assyrian and Arab peoples. These actions are preventing the SDF’s fight against terror enacted with support from the International Coalition.

We call on the international community and democratic forces to stand against the invasion attacks and support the SDF and the democratic forces within the SDF.”