Hesekê bids farewell to MSD member Dilan and her sister Dilyar

Last Sunday, the Youth Representative of the Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) Dilan Şêx Mahmud and her sister Dilyar were killed in a bomb attack in Hesekê. The two young women were laid to rest.

On Sunday, Dilan Şêx Mahmud, youth representative at the Syrian Democratic Council (MSD), and her sister Dilyar were killed in a bomb attack on their home in the Aziziya neighborhood in the northern Syrian city of Hesekê (Hasakah). Yesterday, with great sympathy, the farewell of the two young women took place.

The mourning crowd gathered in front of the Council of Martyrs’ Families to receive the coffins of Dilan Şêx Mahmud and her sister Dilyar. On their last journey, the two women were escorted by a large convoy to the Cemetery of Martyrs in the village of Şercî to the north of Hesekê.

Thousands of people including representatives of women’s organization Kongreya Star, Rojava Youth’s Union, MSD and other institutions in the city attended the funeral ceremony.

Speeches held at the funeral, which began with a minute's silence, vowed to follow in the footsteps of the martyrs.

Şêrîn Osî from the women's movement and Albîn Ehmed from the MSD Youth Council spoke a few words to several thousand people attending the funeral. Both emphasized that they would continue the fight of the murdered women and expressed their condolences to the relatives of the fallen.

Dilan and Dilyar Şêx Mahmud were laid to rest under the slogan "Martyrs are immortal".